Sunday, January 5, 2014

The List: Knowing What You Want in a Partner

When I was in high school I was in an all girls Sunday School class. Our teacher's name was Mrs. Lulu and since there were only girls in the class, we talked a lot about dating and marriage. One Sunday Mrs. Lulu gave each of us a piece of paper and asked us to describe the perfect man. She wanted us to be extremely specific, down to hair color and height (I've always been partial to green eyes and a tan complexion, and a little taller than me, but not too tall, ya know?) . Being 16 and boy crazy, we had no problem fulfilling this task. Our lists went down one side of the paper and back up the other, some even had to use the back. Once we were done we took turns reading our lists out loud. What I thought was just a fun exercise was actually some of the best dating advice I've ever gotten. Mrs. Lulu told us to never settle for anything less than what was on that list. If a guy was missing even just 1 of the traits we wrote down, forget him. Don't go on a second date. Don't even go on a first if you know he doesn't meet your requirements. We thought she was insane, and there was no way we would ever find these men we'd just dreamed up. I tucked my list in that Sunday's bulletin and didn't give it much thought after that. She did have a point though, why waste your time with someone who doesn't make the cut?

The List! 

2 years ago I went on a date with a guy. I was sunburned and we went to a terrible restaurant. His truck was old and I was overdressed. Despite the most awkward first date of my life, I had a great time. That night on the way back to my house I remembered the list. I started going through it, mentally checking off each trait and requirement this new guy fulfilled. Once I got home I dug through my things and found the list. One by one, I checked each item off. When I was finished I looked down in disbelief. There was not a single requirement he didn't meet, including the green eyes and tan complexion.

I guess the moral of this long-winded story/advice column is to be sure of what you want and don't settle until you get it. If you are patient and confident that God will bring you someone when He knows you are ready, then He will. But first, you have to have a list.

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