Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Movin' On

It’s almost that time! We are so excited to be moving at the end of this week. The lease is signed and all of our belongings are in boxes, well almost.  I still have a lot left to pack. It’s amazing what you can accumulate in just 2 years of being in one place. Here’s a list of a few thoughts I’ve had while packing over the last 2 weeks:

How many golf tees does one person really need?

When did we get this cake pan?

What’s a radioactive food warmer?

We have 2 griddles? Why aren’t we having French toast more often?

I’m going to need more boxes.

Where are we going to put all of this stuff?

8 camouflage hunting coats?

We have a ridiculous amount of bowls.

How necessary is this pizza stone?

I’m going to need more boxes.

So many wreathes.

There is no easy way to store Christmas ornaments.

What if Jaz doesn’t like the new house?

Don’t forget to buy some Clorox spray.

When did we take this picture?

If I find one more golf ball….


 And so many others. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just a little sad. I always loved coming down the dirt driveway and seeing the old, little yellow farmhouse with acres of beans, corn or wheat behind it. It became home us as soon as we moved in and we’ve made so many memories there. It’s where Tanner proposed, where we had our first garden, and where we had our first Christmas as a married couple. I’ll miss the low ceilings, that heat and cool so well. I’ll miss the gas heat that somehow seems warmer than electric heat. I’ll miss the way the rain sounded on the roof. I’ll miss the stuffy upstairs, with its original bead board walls and the sight of Jaz sitting in the second story window waiting for us to get home.

But I’m also extremely excited. Our new place is sure to be filled with lots of laughter, the letter B and, yes, more golf balls. I’m also looking forward to having two bathrooms! Though I love Tanner more than anything, private time is something I cherish. (TMI?) I’m also looking forward to having a real laundry room, woo hoo! Tanner is especially thrilled to have a dishwasher, since that’s his chore of choice.

 Either way, boy are we blessed! I forget sometimes what a loving and perfect God I serve, and that there’s no reason for me to worry when He’s in control.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

World's Worst Blogger

So obviously I totally stink at blogging. I have good intentions, I promise!!

I really want to make this blogging thing work, if not just for the sole purpose of having some type of scrapbook to look back on because, like sticking with something, I am terrible at scrapbooking. (Who has time to arrange all those tiny pieces of paper, anyways?)

 Here's a little recap of what's been going down on The Bright Side:

Early March: Tanner and I attended his cousin's wedding in Savannah and it was totally perfect.
Seriously the sweetest couple in the world and the bride was gorgeous.

End of March: Tanner's birthday and our 1 year anniversary!! My sweet man turned 24 and we had a great one year anniversary. He gave me a gift certificate to have my toes done (they needed it, badly) and I gave him a framed copy of our vowels. Can't believe it's been a year since we said "I do".

April: Not much happened in April. Had an Easter Egg hunt for the younger kids at church, attended an amazing Easter Drama in Kinston at Tanglewood Church (seriously, amazing. I cried.) and it was my bfffffff's birthday!! Weren't we the cutest??

May: was a blur!! We had a shower for Tanner's sister the first weekend in May. She got lots of great things and we're so excited for Baby Carter! Mother's day was a success, my brother, stepdad and I bought my mom a patio lounge she'd been not-so-subtly hinting at for a while. She was super excited to see it! (Note to self: much assembly was required). We also celebrated two of my cousins' birthday, both born on May 28th. Love those goobers!


So far June looks like it's gonna be a little crazy. At this end of this month we're moving to Goose Creek and I'm going to miss our little Maggie Lane house so much. We've made some of the best memories there. Sarah, the oldest cousin, will hopefully be visiting around that time and I'm so looking forward to spending time with her and hopefully by July 5th Tanner and I will have a little nephew to love on! This year is proving to be just as insane as last year but somehow, I don't think I would trade it for anything. We are so blessed!!