Monday, November 14, 2016


Hey everyone, it's me, the perma-slacker. Obviously it's been a while but I wanted give a little update. Last you heard from me we were gearing up for a major change. Since then, we've moved to Richlands, which is just outside of Jacksonville. Tanner has just started a job as a lineman for the electric company and I was fortunate enough to keep my job with the company that I love. God has really, really blessed us. For a while it was hard to believe that we were going to find jobs and a house, or that the move would even be possible. I was frustrated and just tired of thinking about it. But when God shows off, he really shows off. Within 2 hours of each other I found out we were approved for a house we applied for and I was going to keep my job. 4 weeks later we're settling in and Tanner is starting his new job.

I feel selfish for even saying this, but the move hasn't been easy. I am a very routine person with some very hard habits and if I've learned anything from this transition it's that I don't deal well with change. I like to think that I can adapt to anything, but now I realize that may only apply in certain areas of my life. We've been in Richlands for a little over a month, but up until about 2 weeks ago I was having a really hard time adjusting to the changes. Working from home has been a larger adjustment than I thought it would be. I didn't realize how many distractions there were in an office, but I also didn't realize how quiet it would be at home. Overall, I feel like I'm way more productive and now that I've gotten into a routine, I love it. Since I'm home and Tanner is working elsewhere, I'm able to plan a lot better for meals and actually cook, which if you know me at all, you know that's something I don't do.

A lot of people from home have been asking how the church is going and I'm so proud to say it's going great. I love this group so much and I'm so excited for what is to come in the future. Our official launch is in March, but right now we're doing a small group on Sunday nights, as well as hosting other events throughout the community. Our preacher likes to say that we won't be a "come and see" church, but a "come and do" church and I am here-for-it! For the month of November our staff organized a coat drive with 3 drop off locations in Jacksonville, as well as hosting a clean up day at a local non-profit called CHEW. We're also hosting a set of Q & A nights at the coolest coffee shop called The Milk Road. These nights allow anyone to come in, have refreshments on us and ask  anything they'd like to know about Restore and what we stand for. Our small group has grown large enough that we now have to split into 2 small groups. God is truly, truly working in Jacksonville and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.

Last night our bible study was focused on the word inclusion. In a time of such division in our country, on social media, and the news, it was so refreshing to be reminded that no matter your race, your gender, your orientation or what political party you belong to, you are loved and welcomed by God. I firmly believe it is the church's responsibility to bridge the gaps of discrimination and be as loving and Christ-like as possible.
"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."
                                                                                           Galatians 3:26-29

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