Wednesday, October 8, 2014

5 Signs that Prove You're Adulting

Adulting (verb-ing) :
The natural act or process of becoming an adult, much like puberty (again), but with less body hair.

There is no definite age for the right time for someone to begin to Adult, but it usually happens right around your mid-late 20s. Adulting is a natural process in which one becomes less concerned with things that happen from 9pm-3am and more concerned with things that are happening between the hours of 8am and 5pm. Here are a few symptoms so that you may diagnose yourself:

1. Watching the news - once something dreadful that your parents did, you have found yourself voluntarily catching the morning/evening news and sometimes even the Today show. You are beginning to be aware of things going on outside of your social bubble. A person who is in the advanced stages of adulting may even plan to watch the news and perhaps might enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while doing so.

2.You get excited over very small things - You will most likely get excited about things that you would have once considered lame or boring. You will soon experience the joy of ripping open a piece of mail (yes, actual mail! in your own mailbox!) and finding that your electric or utility bill is $30 lower than last month's bill. This is an especially large feat because you can now buy those practical and comfortable shoes you've had your eye on at JC Penney.

3. Going to bed by 10pm is a treat - Yes, a full 8 hours of sleep! Now that you've done the dishes and folded laundry you get to go to bed. Maybe you'll even read for a few minutes or watch that show you keep missing. You'll most likely lay in bed and scroll through Twitter for 30 minutes, though.

4. You check your credit for free at least once - What is your credit score anyway? Every adult should have some type of idea what their credit looks like. You'll need this info when you go to purchase your first car by yourself.
5. Your wardrobe is changing - Slowly, but surely, that section in your closet for "club clothes" is dwindling. You replace your bandage dresses with wrap dresses or sensible dress pants. Your t-shirts are replaced with button-ups or the occasional Polo t-shirt. You consider buying a suit. You find yourself questioning how comfortable those 6inch stilettos will be in 4 hours. You stop shopping at stores with the word Body in the name (ex. Body Central, Body Shop).