Sunday, January 5, 2014

When "Opposites Attract" Doesn't Apply

We've all heard the phrase "Opposites Attract" when describing a couple that doesn't seem like they  should fit, but somehow, they work. There are tons of couples like this that are considered opposites for different reasons; such as taste in music, clothing, one is loud and outspoken, the other is quiet and shy, etc. Difference of opinion & discussion in a relationship is healthy. However, there are a few topics I feel that each person in the relationship should agree on, no matter what.

The 4 Things You Should Agree with Your Partner On:

As a Christian, I am fully committed to serving the Lord. I mess up, daily, but I'm working at it, and plan to for the rest of my life. I understand that this world doesn't compare to the one after it, and that the real goal is not wealth, status or popularity, but working to achieve eternal life and sharing the good news with anyone I can. I couldn't imagine making a promise to someone who doesn't agree with me on those things. After making a promise to God that I would devote my life to him, how can I make another lifelong promise to my husband if he doesn't support the previous one?

I'm not just talking about whether you're a Republican or Democrat. I believe that one of each could be married and be happy. I'm talking about whether you agree on major issues, such as abortion, gay rights or homosexuality in general, military, etc. I feel like you and your partner should agree on these things because all of these things could potentially affect you and your family in the future. If you don't agree on these things, at least be aware of what your partner's stance is before investing a lot of time in the relationship. Chances are, if they disagree with you and it becomes an issue, you won't be able to change their mind, no matter how long you've been together.

Marriage & Children
To me, these two go hand in hand. I don't suggest bringing these up on the first date, you don't want to look too eager, but before you invest more than 6 months with this person, know where they stand on these topics. If they don't want to get married and you do, then they aren't right for you. If they don't want to be married "anytime soon" ask them where they see themselves in 5 or 10 years. It's similar with children. He doesn't need to want children right away, just be sure that he's open to the option if that's something you want. Or, if you don't want children or can't have children, these are things your partner needs to be aware of. Also, discuss the methods of the way you'd like your kids to be raised. If one person believes in tough love and spankings while the other believes in rewards and encouragement, you may have some rocky times ahead. See if you can come up with some strategies of compromise, that include both parenting styles.

What do you guys think? Do these matter to you? Are there others that you feel are more important?

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