Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cake Pops!

For Christmas, my mom surprised me with a BabyCakes cake pop maker. I love to bake, and I have an obsession with cake pops from Starbucks so I was so excited when I unwrapped this little gem. While doing some laundry and regular Saturday cleaning, I thought I'd give the BabyCakes a shot. It was way easier than I thought it would be, although I must say the hardest part is the dipping. Here's a photo sequence of how it went! 

So the instructions were pretty clear, but I just wanted to be sure I did everything right so I looked up some YouTube videos before I started. 

The instructions came with some recipes for cake made from scratch but I thought I'd take the easy route and just buy a cake mix from the grocery store. This worked fine, but I now know that the reason the instructions provide recipes is because it makes a much smaller batch than a regular cake mix. I got probably 100 cake pops out of 1 cake mix. 

So once you mix the batter you put some in each reservoir (it makes a dozen at a time) then close the top of the baker. The instructions suggested 1 tablespoon in each reservoir but as you can see, that was a little bit too much. I ended up putting the batter in a Ziploc bag and cutting the corner off so I could use it like a decorating bag to fill each reservoir. That worked much better. After closing the lid, it only takes about 2-4 mins for each batch to cook. 

Once they cool, which doesn't take long, you just take your melted coating (I just used Candy Melts from the Wedding Cake section of Wal-Mart) and dip each stick in it. 

Then, you put the stick into the pop and put the tray into the freezer. They should stay in for at least 7-10 minutes. If you rush your pops will come off of the stick when you dip them, and that's no fun. :( 

Once your sticks are good and stuck you just carefully dip your cake pops in the coating of your choice. 

Once they're all dipped you put them in the freezer until they're nice and hard then enjoy! I ended up completing about 50. I took them to work on Monday and the guys loved them! 

I ran out of coating so I couldn't do all of the pops I had made. I put the extras in a bag and stuck them in the freezer until I can pick up some more sticks and Candy Melts. 

All in all, this was super fun!! I can't wait to do more so I can be a little creative. This is way easier than an Easy Bake Oven or anything like that, so if you know a kid or even an adult that loves to bake this would be a great gift. 

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