Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Nexplanon: 2 Months In

Men: Find the back button on your browser and get the heck out of here. You DO NOT want to read this one.

Well Ladies,
I don't have good news. After being so excited over this great medical advancement my bubble has officially been burst. Month 1 on Nexplanon was a breeze. Month 2 hit me like a freight train.

Exactly 30 days after having my Nexplanon implant, I got the most insane cramps I have ever experienced. They started on a Wednesday night and me, being the stubborn lady I am, decided to power through it without taking anything. By Thursday noon I knew these were not regular period cramps. Y'all, these things hurt. The best I could do was sit at my desk at work and just close my eyes. It was literally like someone was scraping out my ovaries with a shovel. I took some ibuprofen and hoped they would subside. Friday morning they started again. I seriously considered calling out of work but my boss was off that day and didn't want to leave anyone hanging. I made it to 2:00pm then I had to get out of there. I emailed my boss and explained that I was having side effects from the new BC, grabbed my purse and cried the entire way home. Wave after wave after wave of pain shot through me. As soon as I got home I got in the bathtub, hoping warm water would help. Nope. I got in the bed and just cried. Thank God for Tanner, he got home just in time. He called my mom who said that she'd talked to her doctor (she works at the women's care office where I got the implant) and the doctor said it was normal. NORMAL. She sent my grandma and aunt over with heating pads and medicine. I took a pill for pain and fell asleep. I woke up around 7pm and felt pretty good considering. No cramps. For the next few days, I took an Aleve every 4-6 hours and was able to manage the cramps. But here comes the worst part.........

After the cramps subsided, I bled constantly for 21 straight days. Not spotting or light, but heavy bleeding. I went through 3 boxes of tampons. It was torture, y'all. And my poor husband. He deserves a medal. No, he deserves a trophy or the world's biggest steak or something. Finally, the bleeding stopped for about a week. But it has since started again. Not heavy like before, just spotting. But it's still pretty frustrating. I guess I can say that Nexplanon works for birth control, because you can't get pregnant if you can't have sex.

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